North Columbus Jaycees who have served as President of the Ohio Jaycees and Past National Officers
Ohio Jaycee President
National Officer
1991-92 2005
Mike "SUPER" Wilson Dennis "FTP" Williamson Kristi Chilcote Callison
Annie Yoder
Nicholas Herringa
National Vice President 1987-88
JCI Senators
A Senatorship is the highest honour that can be bestowed on a member or past member of our organization, and confers "lifetime membership" in Junior Chamber International (JCI). It is a unique way to pay tribute to an individual for his/her dedication and outstanding service on a local, national, or international level.
By extending lifetime membership to deserving Jaycees, the JCI Senatorship provides such members with an enduring link to our organization and all of its members worldwide. Each individual is assigned a number and his/her name is entered in the worldwide Roll of Senators.
Click Here for a list of members awarded a Senatorship from our chapter.